Friday 10 May 2013

Script Ideas

Have you ever wanted to be more than what you are? My name is Conor Adams, I'm a 16 year old boy from Belfast, Ireland. I'm just your average boy, I suppose. I'm into movies, snooker, chess, gaming (minecraft is my favourite) and drawing. I go to school in St Patricks High, which is just my local school. I don't have that many friends, but I do have good friends. Also, like any boy my age, there's a girl I like, she's called Anna. She doesn't like me back, but i don't mind, that's expected. I don't really know what people think of me.... well  I sort of do, but again, I don't mind, it's expected.

But its not just me that bad things happen to. Ireland's a bit of a mess at the minute. People get robbed and things get stolen, the city just has a lot of bad people in it. So you see, I'm not the only one with problems, the whole world has problems.

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